How to Beat the Necrons With Orks - Warhammer 40000
Necrons are a god awful race with all different kinds of nasty tricks and wargear that'll totally screw you in battle. I've only actually battled necrons on a few occasions and have the record 2-2-2. My loses due mostly in part to getting screwed by their wargear and my wins largely due to pinches and staggering troop loses caused by my Nobz in hand to hand. Here I'll attempt to give you a guide to getting on your way to beating these cyborg freaks.
In all honesty I've yet to devise a way to really crack these guys. They're so nasty and some of their wargear allows them to get back up even when you knock them down with powerclaws. Their weapons all have high strength and their destroyers are a nightmare for the poor orkies. This all and we haven't even touched the monolith. So what do you do? Here is a list of tactics to consider:
- Keep your head down!! - Destroyers can move 12" over terrain and fire a 36" weapon so for gods sake make double sure you're behind cover. Their regular foot troops can sit around and blow the hell out of you so don't give them any shots either.
- Beware the Lords and the tricks they play - Necron lords have a wargear option to allow them to pull a unit of necrons within 6" of them and deepstrike anywhere on the table.(I believe its called veil of darkness) They can do this anytime and as many times as they want. For example: I was battling a Necron army and ran a unit of Trukk Boyz + Warboss into a unit of Necrons. The plan being to totally demolish them and then pile into the neighboring unit. Well the Lord was within 6" and he pulled them out of hand to hand and about 12" away where they promptly shot down all my boyz and da boss. I killed most of the unit before he pulled them in his turn but if you don't get them all then you're done.
- Bring a Basilisk - Don't allow him to stack all his troops up together. if possible park a basilisk on the other side of the board and pound his lines with templates. Keep him spread out to give yourself a chance. He will try to keep his units stacked around his lord so that they can benefit from all the different orbs he carries. If you can stop this you have a better chance of winning.
Thats all the help I can give at the moment. I'll have to play them under a few different conditions to further give advice but be sure when I know then this page will be updated.(so I won't forget ;))
Jerry Wayne Odom Jr. - 7/23/2003