Children in Coffee Shops
Recent story echos my thoughts on coffee shops and kids.
January 12, 2005
I find it ironic that less that the day after I read a story about
a chicago cafe
that simply put up a sign concerning loud children in coffee shops I have to
sit here at CC's with some little 3 year old looking bugger screaming and
running around while his mother ignores him talking to her friend that she's
come up here to meet. This kid is really screaming and its driving me and a
few other people trying to sit and enjoy their quiet work or conversation.
Wow this is really irritating. This child is screaming "mom, mom, mom look"
as he's climbing up on this chair and jumping up screaming in a high voice.
I absolutely had to crank up the word processor and write this while
watching this because I can't concentrate on anything else.
Parents Boycott Chicago Cafe
Cafe owner of Taste of Heaven cafe,
you're better off man! This girl
just got up and left showing obvious frustration over this little freak
going berzerk and his mom is just letting him do it oblivious to the fact
that other people are in here working. Is she that used to this kind of
behavior because I'm about to snap? You make your place better for paying
considerate customers by running inconsiderate parental types like this off!
Any parent worth their salt would stop this!
Discipline Your Children!
When I was a child my mom would drag my butt out and smack the crap out of
me for acting like this. Whats more this woman isn't even threatening this
kid or forcing him to sit down. What is wrong with these people do they not
handle their own children anymore. I wonder if
child care services would take him away if I called them on my cellphone?
Maybe I could pay them?
Ok I'm leaving
I came here to relax a little after work but thanks to this woman and her
child I'm more stressed out than before.