Jerry Wayne Odom Jr.

Jerry's Job

   I get so many questions concerning this page and my career I thought I'd write a blurb here concerning what I do. For the past 5 years I've been working for a privately held software and Internet development company based remarkably enough of out of Baton Rouge. We write systems for advertisement, behavioral systems and manage large networks and databases all with the expressed purpose of making money online. My boss has dubbed us a technology investment company since we usually see a profitable technological approach to making money and we develop it.

   What I do specifically is actually quite broad. I'm by trade a computer programmer and I carry out that particular function probably 65% of the time. I'm however also experienced in SEO, advertising placement, page design, databasing, systems design, online marketing, online systems and generally just about anything that makes money online. So when I'm not programming I'm usually researching some method for performing some function so that I can buy or develop a system for handling that function. I'm also trying to keep up to date on whats recent and hot so that we don't fall behind. Falling behind can happen quick in this industry.

I love my job and everything about it. Its exciting, always changing and I work with a group of people I feel have the potential to go far. If you'd ask me if I could go back and change anything about how my career has developed I'd definitely say no. I think I've landed exactly where I'm supposed to be. In a company thats going places.