Well I recently bought a camcorder as most people know if you read this site
but now I've been working on how to take videos and put them on the web in
the form of a vlog or video blog. I feel like a vlog aspect
coupled with the already existing material on my site will be very
beneficial to anyone looking around for information. This all comes from me
stumbling upon the subject during the recent press push over the website
known as
Rocketboom which
features Amanda Congdon doing news on the Internet and technology daily. I
then stumbled into Vlog Map
and from there its all been down hill. How to vlog It turns out that recording your video is the easy part. I'm presently working on my first vlog entry but taking the video and editing it appears to be the hard part. For starters I'm using Apple Quicktime to cut down a managable video in the format suggested by Steve Garfield in his rather entertaining vlog soup site. Steve has a killer vlog which is really professionally done with Final Cut Studio from Apple. I'm not trying to wade out that deep in the water yet but eventually I hope to do some nifty stuff like Steve. 3rd Party Vlogging Service? Perhaps I should use a 3rd party service to host my vlog? Steve Garfield uses Vblog Central to host his video stuff and they apparently take the hard stuff out of it and make it work really well. However I already have fully functional hosting for my website and I am a computer programmer for gods sake. I think I'll try at first to set up and host all my own stuff but will fall back on a 3rd party vlog hosting only if I can't easily setup and manage the files from my host. They do seem to have a pretty good setup at Vblog Central but we'll see. |